Later this month, I’m going to my first blogging conference: Blog On MSI. I’m really looking forward to it, if I put aside any anxiety I have about leaving Pickle ALL day. As it’s my first blogging event, I thought I’d take part in Zoe’s Blog on MSI Ice Breaker Linky. Here’s a little bit about me…
1. Share a recent photo of you (or a doodle!)

Pickle and I having a lovely time whilst visiting one of my friends from Uni
2. Describe yourself in five words or less
Ah man, I hate these things…
- Determined
- Craftsy
- Empathetic
- Bossy
- Geeky
3. How long have you been blogging, and why did you start?
I started in December 2015, which feels like a long time ago now but I’d definitely still class myself as a very new blogger. I started it shortly after finding out I was pregnant as a way to gauge how good my digital skills are! I thought I’d try my hand at creating a blog and seeing how well I could market it and hopefully learn some cool geeky things in the process (which I definitely have!).
4. What are you hoping to get out of Blog On?
Blog On MSI will be my first blogging conference – eek! I’m excited and of course, a little bit nervous, but I’m really looking forward to putting faces to the names of other bloggers I’ve enjoyed following and hoping to get a bit of extra motivation to keep going with the blog and explore what other avenues I can begin to explore through it.
5. Name a few of your favourite blogs.
I’m a sucker for bloggers with babies around the same age as Pickle or who were pregnant at the same time as me so on that basis:
- Sophia at Tattooed Tealady
- Alex at Lamb and Bear
- Becky at From IVF to Ivy May
- Rachel at Illustrated Teacup
- Hannah at Budding Smiles
6. What’s your favourite social media platform(s)… and what’s your username?
Until recently, I’d have said Twitter but much to my surprise – I’ve become a little bit addicted to Instagram recently! I’ve definitely seen a bit of a surge in followers and engagement over there so it’s exciting to find out about lots of other bloggers and baby companies I’d not come across before and with precious little free time to scroll through newsfeeds these days, the visual aspect of it makes it super speedy to catch up on too!
7. Share a fact about you no-one would guess.
Erm… For those of you that don’t know me in real life, I was an Olympic Torchbearer in 2012! Not sure many people would guess that. (Such an amazing day, by the way).

London 2012 Olympic Torchbearer – SURPRISE!
8. What’s your favourite bit of tech?
I feel like a bit of pauper as I don’t really have any exciting gadgets to shout about… a few years ago it would have definitely been my sports watch but a) it’s a bit outdated now and b) it’s not blogging related. I’d LOVE to be able to say I had a DSLR camera though. That would be my favourite if I had one!
9. If you won the lottery, how would you spend your winnings?
I’d buy a house. We currently rent and it feels like such a pipeline dream to actually own our own property. I’m not fussy, I don’t need a big fancy one, just one big enough for our little family with a REALLY nice open plan kitchen. We visited my cousin’s house recently and she’s recently had an extension built onto the back of her house which is just GORGEOUS. A lovely open plan kitchen looking into a bright living space and dining area. It’s like something out of an interiors magazine. It’s beautiful and welcoming and I’d love to have a space similar to share with my family. And a DSLR camera.
10. If you could host a talk show, who would be your first guest?
I’m always interested in the people behind the scenes, the people who make things happen and get things done. Mainly because I’d like to learn from them and get some tips on being pro-active and achieving your goals. I’m also a sucker for anyone who has a knack for telling a good story. With all of that in mind, I think I’d like to interview Wil Wheaton. Bit of a geek, actor and all-round techie. He may be able to give me some blog tips too!
I just asked LPD who he’d want as his first guest… Elmo. Good shout.
11. Share a funny (or favourite) memory from your life.
A funny memory? Oh god. I’m so not a very funny person. I really admire those who can spin a witty anecdote but I’ve learned from experience that it’s not my forte. A memory that I really think is cute though is from my own childhood, when I was convinced my Dad was Superman. He had the glasses and everything. He used to use his X-ray vision to see how many fingers I was holding up behind my back, which convinced me. It was only years later that I realised he only used his X-ray vision on me when I was conveniently stood in front of a mirror… I never told anyone about his alter-ego though, because I didn’t want him being found by the bad guys!
12. What is your favourite book (or film if you’re not a big reader) and why?
I haven’t got one favourite book but there’s a weird coincidence between one of my favourite books and my favourite film… My favourite film is Stand By Me, an adaptation of a Stephen King novella called The Body. And one of the most gripping books I’ve read was 22.11.63 also by Stephen King. As someone who actively avoids watching anything deemed in the ‘horror’ category, this has somewhat surprised me! There’s a fine line between horror and thriller though, isn’t there?
13. What picture is on your phone/tablet lock screen?
I have a cropped version of this photo from our wedding. Doesn’t LPD look so handsome?! I consciously decided not to have a photo of Pickle in case my phone got lost and I felt weird about it. Don’t know why.
14. If you had an hour of time all to yourself, how would you spend it?
Definitely making something! Probably sewing. I’ve got a small stash of patterns that I’d love to work my way through. I’d pop the kettle on, grab a slice of cake and get to work on something pretty.
15. What’s the best bit of advice you’ve ever been given?
A bit of marriage advice: Always kiss in the lift.
Let’s go! Can’t wait to meet lots of lovely bloggers at Blog On MSI later this month.
Zoe Corkhill (Mama Geek)
Haha I love that marriage advice! I’m really curious as to why you were selected as a torch bearer too 🙂
Thanks for linking up – do say hi if you spot me at Blog On, I’m a bit hopeless so don’t be offended if I take a sec to make the connection – I’m liable to be a bundle of nerves about my talks!
The Speed Bump
Love this! Great answers. Blog On is my first ever blogging conference too, I’m so nervous! x
heheh love the always kissing in a lift!
Looking forward to meeting you, fancy sitting by me for dinner?
How exciting to be a torch holder! See you at Blog On x
kelly l danson
Ahh what a lovely story about your dad and his x ray vision, This is my first blogging conference, its nice to see a few of the people that will be going, I’m a bit nervous but really looking forward to it.
Mackenzie Glanville
I’ve only just discovered your blog through #mombossquad so it was so lovely to find this post and know ore about you. I love your quote about the kiss in the lift! And that photo is so lovely your hubby looks so happy!