Much like Pickle, this post is long overdue… but I am incredibly proud and excited to properly introduce our beautiful baby boy.

He was born at 4.50pm, on Friday 3rd June – at exactly 42 weeks gestation via an emergency c-section. After starting my induction at 10am on the Wednesday, it was a long long affair but that’s a story for another day. If you read my post about facing my fears of induction, pretty much everything I didn’t want to happen, did happen! But that’s okay, because our gorgeous son is here safe and sound and I have absolutely no regrets.

Our little Pickle.

13394026_10157146022275454_8037339694948092651_nIt’s been the most topsy-turvy of times since his arrival! Three and a half weeks of lukewarm tea, many sleepness nights and the most wonderful sleepy post-milk snuggles. There’s been tears (of joy, of frustration, of pain and of exhaustion). We’ve learnt TONS. And we’ve looked at Pickle almost endlessly with pride, bewilderment and oh-so-much love.


I’ve already got a plethora of topics and experiences I want to blog about – funny things to share, ‘wisdom’ (for lack of a better word) to impart but, above all, a passion to be honest. In just this last month, I’ve realised how truly vulnerable you can feel as a first time parent. But you know what? All those new-Mummy insecurities can be debunked so quickly with just the right bits of knowledge and some heart felt encouragement. I’ve been incredibly lucky to have had the dream team of support networks to call upon: my wonderful family, my friends, our NCT group, my local breastfeeding support worker (who I’ve fallen a bit in love with… major girl crush!), and of course – LPD.


Now that we are a bit more settled into life as a family of three, I’m hoping the blog won’t remain so neglected in the coming weeks but if it is quiet – it’ll be because I can’t tear myself away from all these gorgeous newborn cuddles I’m enjoying so much. Or, conversely, I may be too busy tearing my own hair out in frustration at not being able to soothe Pickle’s hiccup-induced cries. Boy, does he hate having the hiccups!

I still can’t quite believe that I am Little Pickle’s Mom.