It’s a bit belated, especially as I’m well into Week 25 now, but I’ve eventually gotten around to writing a 24 weeks update. As you may have been able to tell from the tone of my blog posts over the last week – it’s been a challenging one for me this week. I must be having a surge of hormones because everything just seems to be tough for me to deal with, but I’m so happy to have reached this stage as many people had told me at 24 weeks, a baby becomes viable if it were to be born. So from here on out, Pickle is just going to get stronger and stronger which is very comforting.
I’ve been trying to do all I can to cheer myself up and de-stress a little, which perhaps somewhat vainly, means making a bit of an effort with my appearance (cue a series of new selfies taken on my phone that I can refer to next time I’m feeling gross and unattractive). You can read a little about how I’ve been feeling here: ‘Don’t be silly, sweet. You look beautiful.’ Also eating a few naughty sweet treats and doing a bit of cross-stitch has helped improve my mood!
- Sweet treats from LPD always make me feel better!
- Curled hair and full face of make up helped to combat a bit of self-conscious grumpiness this week
- Cross-stitch always calms me down… except when I get a tangle in my thread!
We also spent a REALLY lovely afternoon having cuddles with our niece. She’s only three months but honestly, you’d have thought she was much older! She’s already confidently holding up her own head, and rolling over. She’s so tall already, and it’s just glorious to see her smiling face.

I haven’t taken many bump photos, so took the opportunity to try and take one before I tried out a yoga DVD last weekend. I think my bump looks smaller than it feels here!
Pickle is the size of… Oh, I don’t know. I’m a rubbish Mum and I can’t remember. 23 Weeks was a Barbie Doll so if I remember rightly, this week Pickle was GI Joe doll sized. However big that is!
I’m feeling… frumpy and grumpy. And full of cold. It’s not been the best of combinations. I’ve been super grateful for the patience and support LPD has given me – I really don’t deserve it. He constantly asks what he can do for me and that means so much to me. Most of the time, there really isn’t anything he can do – but I have been enjoying the copious amounts of foot rubs he’s been giving me. Mmmm…
I’m craving… everything that’s bad for me. I’m really having to curtail my sugar intake because it’s getting worryingly out of control! Very embarrassingly, I had a midwife appointment on Thursday and she told me I had plus levels of glucose in my urine. She asked me what I had for breakfast, and I sheepishly admitted it was a bowl of Coco Pops. I didn’t admit to the four puddings I’d shared between three people the night before as well (whoops!). I have to go back next week for a repeat urine test.
I’m worrying about… my glucose levels! I’m not at risk for gestational diabetes so it’d be very unlucky if I were to get it but I’m fairly confident the glucose was down to high levels of sugar consumption rather than anything else. Will be very good this week and keep my fingers crossed first thing on Thursday that my levels return to normal.

Oh for the want of a sexy underwear choice!
I’m missing… lingerie! Just wearing NICE underwear. As much as I’m loving the comfort my non-wired bras are providing, they just don’t give you that little sexy boost in the morning, do they? And I’ve been noticing my go-to pants are getting more and more grannified and large. Now, if someone could design a sexy range of maternity underwear, they’d be onto a winner I reckon!
Grant R
If you can’t enjoy an extra bit of pudding when you’ve got a baby growing inside you, when can you?
The cross-stitch looks great 🙂
Little Pickle's Mom
Thanks Grant! That’s what I like to think… maybe I’ll just be ‘good’ until the next test on Thursday and then break out all the chocolate again. (I may have just had a Twix for breakfast though… whoops!). LPMx
Awww bless, I hope no gestational diabetes for you look and hope you manage to keep the sugar levels down.
Little Pickle's Mom
Thanks Anosa! Fingers crossed… I’m feeling fairly confident though. I checked my notes and it was only slightly elevated so definitely more likely to just be the effects of too much pudding rather than a medical condition. LPMx
You look fabulous – such a neat bump. Have you checked out Hot Milk – they do gorgeous maternity and beyond lingeries, plus I have a giveaway on my blog too
Little Pickle's Mom
Oh no! I had NOT heard of those but will do some googling now and find them on your blog – ahhh, this is why I love blogging! <3 Thank you for the heads up! LPMx
You look great! I remember all too well pregnancy and what a worrying time it can be, I think you’re doing brilliant from reading this and I love your cross stitch pics. Hope your levels come down soon, I wouldn’t worry too much about it, everyone needs a bit of pudding now and then. x
Emma White (@TheRealSupermum)
After having 6 kids I know exactly how you feel hunny it does get better remember hang on in there
Little Pickle's Mom
Thanks Emma – thankfully, feeling MUCH less grumpy this week and better able to deal with normal life. God knows how I’ll cope with a second (or sixth!) pregnancy when I’ll have other little ones to look after. It honestly gives me SO much respect for pregnant Mums with children already!
Ana De Jesus
The cross stitch looks fantastic and your bump is adorable too, tell bubba I say a big hello! Hope your pregnancy goes smoothly x
Oh I remember loving week 25 and on! Kind of miss my bump. Enjoy it mama <3
Little Pickle's Mom
I promise I do enjoy it most of the time! 🙂 LPMx
Jenni - Odd Socks and Lollipops
Pregnancy can be so up and down can’t it! The cross stitch looks lovely and what a lovely neat bump too!
Little Pickle's Mom
Thanks Jenni – I’ve been so amazed at how many people have said my bump is neat. Taking GREAT comfort in that. Thankfully I’ve had more ups than downs so far. 🙂 LPMx
Cross stitch is one of those things ive never ever managed to master, I end up getting so angry that I throw a right strop x
Little Pickle's Mom
Ha ha, you should see how angry I get when I get the thread tangled… or even worse when I realise I’ve got to undo stitches as I’ve made a mistake. Definitely not relaxing then but I do really enjoy it!
Kaz & Ickle Pickle (@IcklePicklex)
Oh your bump is so neat! Hello Pickle – from me, Ickle Pickle (and Mummy!) x
Little Pickle's Mom
YAY FOR ALL PICKLES 🙂 Truly the best nickname going! LPMx
Fi Ni neachtain
We’re almost at the same stage, I’m 27 weeks tomorrow and I also feel quite frumpy! I’m mega jealous of your non-wired bras, I need to go shopping for some asap!
Little Pickle's Mom
Oh definitely Fi Ni! Honestly, don’t delay – they’re not the most glamorous things in the world but they’re so much comfier! Can’t imagine wearing wires now…
Being pregnant is the best excuse to eat what you like and get away with it 🙂 Treat yourself, I say.
The L's Mum
Aww I remember feeling like this a little during my pregnancy. It was tough when you were full of a cold and you just feel grumpy and not yourself, but as your bump grows you will feel differently once again. Sounds like you are doing so well with it so far. Enjoy all the sweet treats 🙂
Nursing Bra - Hotmilk Lingerie Review - Little Pickle's Mom
[…] complaining about my lack of nice maternity underwear in my 24 Weeks: Update from Mom, Kara from ChelseaMamma recommended I check out Hotmilk, a lingerie company specialising in […]