I imagine a lot of first time parents are feeling like I do right now – there’s so much to learn before baby’s arrival. It’s not that I’m completely baby-inept. I know the basics. I have quite a large family (it feels like there’s always a baby around!), and my own Mum was a childminder for many years and I fondly remember helping to look after a 4-month old baby she looked after (who incidentally, had his 17th birthday this week! Crazy). But I’ve never been the decision maker when it comes to a baby before. I’ve never had this amount of responsibility.
And, like most people, I want to try and do it as ‘right’ as I can.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe that there is one ‘right’ way to parent and I’m certainly trying not to put pressures on myself to be the perfect parent right away. But I want to know I’m trying my best and for me, that means being well informed so I feel confident in making all the millions of decisions that are to come. So onto the parenting research I go…

Let the research begin…
Perhaps I’m slightly hankering after my University days, where I spent most of my time researching various theatre history periods, pouring over textbooks, journals and articles, as I’m approaching my parenting research in pretty much the same way – using a variety of sources from a range of angles and perspectives, always considering reliability. Who knew that term taking the historiography module would come to rear it’s head when facing the challenge of becoming a parent? You see folks, the skills learned in most degrees ARE transferable including a theatre degree – hurrah!
So, at the very start of my research journey, here’s my plan:
- I’ve identified two contrasting parenting styles: routine-regimented based, and baby-led based
- I’ve bought The New Contented Little Baby Book: The Secret to Calm and Confident Parenting by Gina Ford to read up on routine-based parenting
- I’m looking to buy The Attachment Parenting Book (Sears Parenting Library) by William and Martha Sears to cover baby-led parenting
- Start off by looking into these two contrasting books to see how I feel about both and find out more about where I ‘naturally’ sit or feel aligned to.
- The New Contented Little Baby Book by Gina Ford
- The Attachment Parenting Book by William Sears and Martha Sears
And then take it from there…
I’m sure I’ll be updating on the things I learn, agree with, disagree with, feel baffled by as time goes on. My parenting research begins.
If you’re already a parent and can recommend me a book that I might find interesting – please do! Drop me a comment and let me know what book or books you think are essential or interesting reads. I’m all ears (or eyes) at this stage. And thank you in advance.
Sharon Tjaden-Glass
I read a lot of books too… So many books. But what I really wanted was the book I ended up writing after I gave birth, “Becoming Mother.” I thought there were a lot of books about parenting and babies, but not many books about the immense changes that the mother goes through as she becomes a mother.
Little Pickle's Mom
Hi Sharon, thank you so much for letting me know about your book. I’ve already found it on Amazon and think I’ll be treating myself to the Kindle download very shortly. It’s added to the pregnancy/parenting book wish list! Really excited to hear about your journey. LPMx
Sharon Tjaden-Glass
Thanks for your support! I know you’ll enjoy the book. Please stop by and let me know what you think after you’ve finished it. Love interacting with my readers!
I would say be careful about reading too many books. Like you I like to read books and prepare for things carefully. I found that if I tried to implement Gina Ford too rigidly that it didn’t work but I used it for a guide for a routine and to give me an idea on how many naps they should be having, feeding and bed time so it was really useful for that. It also talk about night time feeds and if you are breastfeeding then using one bottle in the night time feed so that the partner can help and feel involved. We found that really worked for us. I also read the baby whisperer which was a useful book too.
Little Pickle's Mom
That’s brilliant advice – I don’t want to scare myself by reading too much. I loved the idea of one bottle feed a day (which is why I’m super keen on getting a breast pump) as I really don’t want LPD to feel he’s missing out on the wonderful opportunity to feed our child. I know how much he’d love that. Thanks for dropping by! LPMx
I found these books really helpful: https://pumpedmama.wordpress.com/2015/08/06/an-annotated-reading-list-for-new-mamas/
Really interesting post in truth once baby is born you just follow your own instincts thanks for linking to the Binkylinky
I had a few baby books, but couldn’t bring myself to read any. I just knew when my twins were bir I wanted to learn my own way rather than follow something in a book. Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky
Pricilla Dsouza
yes there are many good books out there..but each one of us our own unique parenting journey.
Jo Frost. Confident baby care was my bible. The routines in it worked beautifully for both my girls x