With our upcoming camping trip in mind, and a lifetime of holidays to Wales under my belt, I know the importance of a good waterproof all year around! There’s nothing worse than being caught out in the rain unprepared and spending the rest of the day feeling soggy. Apologies for the pun, but it really puts a dampener on things. (Ha ha ha). So when November Rain got in touch to ask if I’d be interested in reviewing their range of One Size Fits All ponchos, I leaped at the chance.
Typically, since I’ve had the poncho, it’s been really lovely weather (Sod’s Law!) so I’ve not had much chance to put it through it’s waterproof paces, and I did feel a bit of a wally putting it on for the sake of some review photos in the park on what felt like the sunniest day EVER – although it did come in handy to quickly throw on whilst we packed up our car for our Bluestone holiday. It wasn’t proper raining but that fine misty drizzle that I find super annoying. You can always count on rain for a Bank Holiday.

This is my ‘Where’s the Rain?’pose.
[epq-quote align=”align-left”]So if you want to love me Then darlin’ don’t refrain Or I’ll just end up walkin’ In the cold November rain[/epq-quote]
When taking it out of the packaging, I was warned it might be quite crinkled but to be honest… I didn’t think it was too bad. I’m not sure if that’s because I’d lowered my expectations thanks to the prior warning or not but I certainly thought it was wearable straight out of the bag without needing to worry about hanging it. That said, I’m usually not particularly fussed about creases, but if you are, November Rain reassures me that the ponchos can actually withstand a pretty high heat and if you place PRINT side up, you can iron it fairly easily if you continuously move the iron around. Truth be told, I didn’t bother ironing it for these photos – in fact, it had been sat on the backseat of the car for a couple of days beforehand, and I don’t think you can tell. And anyway, that’s a bit more true to life isn’t it? If you’re the kind of person that irons your raincoat then… I think you may have too much time on your hands.
The poncho has a hood and there are some very relaxed sewn in sleeves so it doesn’t feel as though your arms are just floating around in a mass of fabric. I particularly like that it zips open all down the front as well so you can wear it as a jacket, too.
As for the size, if I’m honest, I usually steer clear of one-size-fits-all clothing, because… well, I like my clothes to fit me, but I suppose the benefit of a poncho is that sizing is rendered slightly irrelevant. I would say I’m fairly averaged sized, coming in at around a Size 12 these days, and whilst I do like my clothes to be slightly on the baggier side to help hide my post-baby-tummy, it did feel just a bit too big for me. I think I’d prefer something with a more fitted finish, but then, that’s not what you really look for in a poncho!

Our little poncho photoshoot was interrupted by Pickle waking up from his snooze. He must have wandered what on earth I was up to!

It’s big enough for both of us to share – all I need is a little matching rain hat for him!
For me, this November Rain poncho would be perfect to keep in the car so that I’ve always got a waterproof option when I’m out and about. It’s little protective bag means it’s not going to get ruined if it’s kept in my boot and is even small enough (just about) to fit in the seat pocket. It’ll definitely come in handy when we’re off on our camping adventures, and I’ll feel pretty posh wandering around the campsite with it, but I’m not sure I’d use it as an every day coat. I think for day-to-day wear, I’d prefer a proper fitting jacket.
If, like me, you’re in the market for something to keep close to hand for rainy emergencies and for peace of mind that you’ll never end up in a soggy grump on a day out, these November Rain ponchos can be bought either from their website or very handily are available on Amazon (with Prime shipping too!)*. I went for the Tribe print, but it’s also available in Ocean Blue* and Oriental Bird*. And if that’s not enough to tempt you, you may also like to know about their Giving Back project where 10% of all revenue is donated each quarter to various water related projects. Their first project is in northern Thailand.
Discount Code
And for an extra 20% off until 13th May 2017, use the code APRRAIN1 at check out on both the November Rain website and Amazon*.
Disclaimer: I was sent this poncho from November Rain for the purposes of this review, in exchange for my honest thoughts. This post also includes Amazon Affiliate links. This doesn’t affect the price for you at all but if you do purchase something I have linked to, it means I get a little financial reward.
You can never have enough ponchos! We even take the damn things to Florida with us each year!
Gorgeous rain poncho I think we all need one of these today….totally needed one for the school run this morning!
I have the same poncho and I absolutely love it, it looks real good on you. I need to get another one for sure.
five little doves
Aww Holly these photos really made me smile, you look fab!! With the weather we are having here this week I think I’m going to need a poncho!
five little doves
Aww Holly these photos really made me smile, you look fab!! With the weather we are having here this week I think I’m going to need a poncho!
Ana De- Jesus
I am not too fussed about creases either but I do like the November Rain Poncho and how cute it looks on you x
This looks perfect for popping under the pram as an emergency measure
Musings of a tired mummy...zzz...
I love that they are supporting charitable projects! Great that it can fit you both 🙂
Fashion and Style Police
Ponchos are needed for the rainy days ahead of us. I think I will be needing one. Yours looks good.
Zena's Suitcase
It’s a cute poncho and would be very handy with the weather we’ve been having lately. I’d definitely have one to hand for road trips and camping
Baby Isabella
We have loads of festivals coming up and November Rain ponchos would be perfect for us as we love the patterns! Great review
I could have done with one of these when my twins were little, so much easier to have your hands free
I love the design, but I’m really tiny so ‘one size fits all’ never fits me!
Loving this cute poncho and the design too. Pert for this rain we are having here in London!