I’m finding it easy to forget to write about the little things at the moment. I’ve really enjoyed writing my The Ordinary Moments posts and so in keeping with that sentiment, I’m going to start writing my own Little Loves posts regularly too. The idea behind #LittleLoves is to capture what you’ve read, watched, heard, made and worn in the last week that you’ve loved. I know it probably doesn’t sound like exciting (unless you like having a little nose into other people’s lives like I do) but in years to come, it’ll be these little things that are so easily forgotten, and I like the idea of reading back and being reminded of things that would otherwise be lost.
I do NOT get as much time to read as I’d like at the moment, but one of the wonderful things about being on holiday is that it’s so much easier to snuggle down with a book without feeling guilty. Whilst we were away, I finished The Understudy by David Nicholls* that I’d been reading for… well, it must be months. I love David Nicholls. You’ve probably heard of his most famous book One Day, which I really enjoyed (and before you say it, I’m steering clear of the movie. I heard they butchered it), but whilst on honeymoon I also read Us* which is a WONDERFUL read for any parent. I was about eight weeks pregnant when I read it and it made me think about what kind of parent I wanted to be and what was going to be important to us as a family.
The Understudy had that wonderful tone that you come to love when reading anything written by David Nicholls and especially if you’ve a background in theatre like I have, it’s a book that’ll have you smiling and nodding with recognition.
After a few weeks of pretty intense TV viewing (we watched A LOT of Line of Duty… all four series in fact), we’ve been enjoying ‘treating’ ourselves to a couple of episodes of Parks and Recreation a night. We’re on about Season 4, I think, and we both just love it. Ron Swanson is LPD’s favourite! Whenever he comes on screen, you can almost guarantee a giggle from LPD. And an LPD giggle is almost as cute as a Pickle giggle! Definitely one of my favourite sounds.
I really enjoyed having the radio on whilst we were on holiday but we don’t really have an easy way to listen to the radio whilst at home. We don’t have ‘normal’ TV as in Freeview or Sky or anything, we just use our Playstation to watch things on demand: Netflix, Amazon Prime, BBC iPlayer etc. I don’t suppose anyone knows of an app on the Playstation that means you can stream radio? I’ve tried and failed to find anything.
In the absence of radio, I do enjoy putting a Spotify playlist on – especially in the afternoon during the gap between Pickle’s afternoon nap and LPD coming home. That’s usually the time you can find us having a little dance in the lounge! I’ve been enjoying this ‘Perfect Day’ playlist quite a bit this week:
This week was my first attempt at a meal plan! I know, what have I been doing for the past however many years?! It’s genuinely revolutionised dinner time, which if you’re a habitual meal planner, you’ll know exactly why. Previously, it gets to 5pm and I start to worry about what we might have in for dinner and can’t choose what we should have and it becomes a bit of a faff. Knowing exactly what we’re going to have means I can properly a) look forward to it and b) plan how’s best to cook it. I even managed a roast dinner on Monday! A ROAST DINNER! On a Monday.
I might write a whole blog post about our new meal planning idea (we’ve given each day of the week a ‘theme’ so it makes it easier to do week after week whilst giving us lots of flexibility so we’re not eating the same thing every week!) but we’ve been eating at the dinner table and it just starts our evenings off in the best way possible.
Ha ha ha… well, I definitely wore this poncho! I felt like a right wally taking photos in a waterproof on one of the sunniest days of the year, and guess what? Sod’s law, it’s now tipping it down with rain.
I was a bit naughty and went on a spending spree in Morrisons as well and bought Pickle lots of new outfits – some in his current size and some in the next size up. I absolutely love this ‘hug me’ vest that came with a matching pair of leggings and dribble bib, and by the looks of Pickle, he quite likes it too!
I’ve been really pleased that I’ve ventured out for a couple of runs this week. After going on a flurry of runs about a month ago, I’d very quickly gotten out of the habit but it really is something I want to do more regularly. I’ve decided to set myself the challenge of running the local 5k parkrun with Pickle in the pram (it’s so much harder to run whilst pushing than normally!) on the morning of his first birthday. It’s only about three weeks away so I haven’t got long to build up to it but I’m hoping that means I’ll stay motivated. I’m going to decorate the pram to make a real event of it! Please feel free to send me messages of encouragement at any time – I’m always more active if I feel other people are expecting it of me.
So there we have it… my first #LittleLoves post. I’ll be honest, I’m writing this more for me than for anyone else but if you did find it interesting – bonus. What have you been loving this week?
Oh man I LOVE Parks and Recreation! I was gutted when I finished it. I honestly cannot rave about it enough, it’s just so funny.
I must get back on track with meal planning, you’re right it makes life so much easier!
Well done on your running, having a goal to work towards really helps motivation wise doesn’t it?
Have a lovely weekend xx
What a lovely round up in #littleloves. I need to stick to my meal plans, I always plan out what we are having but never stick with it! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.. Popping over from #littleloves
I am so happy to see you joining in with Little Loves AND I cannot wait to see you at Blog On next weekend! x
Ooh, I think that’s another book for the Amazon wish list! I loved One Day and Us.
Mum Reinvented
Good luck with the 5k! I’d love to take up running – might have to start with walking first though I’m so unfit! Meal planning definitely saves me time and money, plus it’s helping with my diet – I still never know what to do at lunch times though, but at least I have breakfast and dinner nailed I guess. We’ve started sitting down to meals together a lot more lately and I love it. Hope you’re having a lovely weekend! #littleloves
Ron Swanson is the coolest. The rest of the season will not disappoint. Haven’t watched more than the first episode of Line of Duty, must rectify that asap.
Oh what a fab idea about the meal planning yes write the post I would love to read that. Theming is a great idea gives flexibility but something to follow I fear I make the same thing over and over and trying to get out of that and make the kids eat different things more often now. Hope you having a great week #littleloves