There are a few things that immediately put you in the mood for Christmas, aren’t there? (I know, it’s only September, but I’m ridiculously excited about Christmas this year and I’m already on the countdown… never before have I had this much festive excitement!) For me, it’s mulled wine, fresh pyjamas and Michael Buble. As soon as the brochures for our local arts venues dropped through the letterbox, I was excitedly turning the pages to see what family-friendly shows might take our fancy this winter, but little did I know, that a pretty unique screening would be taking place nearby somewhere where I wouldn’t have thought to look… and whilst Buble’s Christmas album is pretty magical, it isn’t half as Christmas-joy inducing as the music from The Snowman.
After a sell-out tour last year, this winter, Carrot Productions are touring around some of the countries most impressive cathedrals and buildings, with a screening of the iconic festive-favourite The Snowman, accompanied by a live orchestra playing Howard Blake’s familiar soundtrack. The Walking in the Air music gives me goosebumps anyway, so I can’t imagine how spectacular it’ll sound being played live – especially as at each venue, there will be a local child being the soloist. How lovely, is that? Throw into the mix a dark winter-y afternoon and breath-taking architecture? And it sounds like the perfect pre-Christmas treat.
For 2017, in addition to The Snowman, each venue has an additional film being screened too. We’ll be seeing an animated film of the award-winning book, The Bear and the Piano by David Litchfield which is narrated by the one and only Joanna Lumley. I’ve already decided that I’ll have to buy the book for Pickle as a Christmas present, and in just the same way as hearing the introduction music to In the Night Garden lights his face up with joy after seeing In the Night Garden Live, I hope he’ll, in some way, remember our lovely Christmas trip out every time we sit down to read the story in the future.
With all my experience of working in the theatre industry, taking Pickle to events like this is so important. Yes, we could sit down as a family and watch the film on the television and it’d be lovely, but going on an adventure to watch it somewhere new, with lots of other families in an impressive building where we can see the musicians play their instruments and feel the music echo-ing all around us? Now, that’s something to remember.

Doesn’t it look gorgeous at Chester Cathedral? Photography © Tom Bangbala
We’ll be heading to Coventry Cathedral on Saturday 9th December 2017 to see this magical production, but you can check the tour dates here to see if your nearest cathedral will be hosting the event too. Some venues have already sold out (including our other nearby cathedral at Worcester) so I’d recommend getting in quick if you’d like to make sure you get tickets. I’m already looking forward to it, and I can’t wait to pepper our December with other such festive treats.
Disclaimer: we have been given tickets to see this screening of The Snowman in exchange for sharing the word about the event and writing a review afterwards.