Before we went away on our camping trip to Wales, I was really excited to be sent our next product to test out as Splash About Gurus. We’ve always trusted Splash About products for Pickle’s swimming attire (in fact, it’s all he’s ever worn, from three weeks old upwards!) and testing out their latest Splash About UV Combi suit couldn’t have been more perfectly timed for our trip away.

Perfect for all day on the beach when its windy, but the sun is out. Now you can relax knowing they are sun protected and still warm. Great for swimming and splashing in the waves, or by the poolside.

Windy Day at Mwnt Beach in Splash About UV Combi Suit

The suit is made from a soft and supple 1mm neoprene on the body (for total sun block protection), with smooth UPF50+ nylon/elastane arms and side panels. The softer panels down the side makes it really easy to get on and off compared to a standard wetsuit whilst keeping the core body nice and warm – the best of everything! It has a handy long zip down the back, making it really easy to do up (if I thought the Splash About Babywrap was easy to get on, it’s nothing compared to this combi suit!). I do a little happy dance when clothes for toddlers have zips rather than poppers.

Windy Day at Mwnt with Splash About

Now, maybe I have Splash About to blame for the weather to our trip to the beach… because although we got the sun, we also got the wind. A LOT of it. Honestly, it was potentially the strongest winds I’ve ever felt, but perfect for testing out the Combi Suit! We visited Mwnt beach, a National Trust cove on the Welsh coast and whilst it’s beautiful and a perfect spot for spotting dolphins swimming in the sea, it’s also a bit of a wind trap on a good day, let alone a blustery one. As we descended the many steps down to the sand, we could see everyone cowering behind their windbreakers (which weren’t doing a lot to shelter them by the looks of things) and even though we didn’t have any wind-breaking equipment with us, we thought we’d be okay.

Family Trip to Mwnt Beach

We set up camp by the cliff edge, hoping that would provide a bit of shelter. We sat with our backs to the sea in an effort to protect ourselves, and I snuggled Pickle close to me in the hope it might ease off enough to let him have a run around. It didn’t. With the wind whipping the sand up quite sharply, I didn’t really want him running round for fear of getting sand in his eyes. We even tried digging a little hole for him to sit in which might provide some shelter but think that was just even worse for him – the sand was at perfect eye-hitting height. Silly Mommy.

Splash About UV Combi Suit

Thankfully, the couple of days later, the wind had subsided and we were able to test the suit out in the sea at a different beach. Seeing Pickle enjoy the waves so much made me want one for myself! He didn’t seem put off by the cool temperature at all – even choosing to run back into the water when I gave him the option to go back up onto the sand. He ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT.

I think the gecko print really suits him too – it was a surprise which design we were going to be sent and I think it’s super smart! Since we’ve been back, we’ve been putting his UV suit and matching new style Happy Nappy to good use at our normal swimming lessons. It’s such a big part of our weekly routine – and since we’ve moved up to the toddler class at the swimming pool, Pickle has been showing just how much he enjoys himself! I don’t know if it’s because he’s that bit older and can more readily show his emotions or if he’s just that bit more mobile which is making all the difference, but the smile on his face when we’re in the pool is so uplifting and lovely. And now he can jump into the pool, well, that’s the best bit of every lesson! Every week I think it’s a shame that our class is during the working week, as I know LPD would love to see how much he’s improved and hear his little giggles. Also, it’d be quite nice to have a spare change of hands to help with the getting changed afterwards too!

Baby in a wetsuit in the laundry sink

He’s currently in the 1-2 years UV Combi suit so I’m hoping it’ll last him for a good few months yet, and whilst he might not need a lot of sun protection over the coming winter months, I’ll be ready to book another trip away as soon as the weather brightens up and look forward to him having even more fun on the beach next year. Thank you, Splash About, for another well designed, well thought out swimwear item. It’s a big thumbs up from us.

Disclaimer: we were sent a Splash About UV Combi suit with matching New Happy Nappy as part of the Splash About Guru scheme for the purposes of this review. All opinions remain our own, and as always, 100% honest.