If you’ve had a gander at my Pre-baby Maternity Leave Bucket List, you’ll know that I wanted to make some flapjacks for labour to take to the hospital with me for labour. I’m not really sure where this idea came from, but I’ve been pretty set on it since we discussed labour in one of our NCT classes. I think there’s part of me that thinks baking flapjacks is a really ‘mumsy’ thing to do so I’m starting as I mean to go on…

With the shelf-life of the average flapjack lasting about a week, I’ve been holding off making them, but with 9 days left until due date – now seems a good a time as any. I can always whip up another batch if needed!

I used a recipe in my Grandma’s Recipe book that my Nan bought me for Christmas or birthday years ago. So simple: rolled oats, brown sugar, golden syrup, plain flour and raisins.


I have to say… I may have eaten the odd bit of mixture as I went along and it did all taste rather scrumptious. You can’t really go wrong with flapjacks though can you? The recipe above said that it would do about 16 flapjacks… but only if you are having TINY TINY little portions. I doubled up and still got 16 portions out of it. A labouring mamma needs hefty portions!

I’ve been warned to take a variety of foods to eat as you can never predict what you might fancy but so far, my instincts seem to have me packing lots of high sugar-high carb options. I’d love to hear about the foods you ate during labour if you’d like to share. Hopefully not long to go now…