I’m not going to lie, it’s felt like hard work this week. After writing last Sunday about bites and bruises, my The Ordinary Moments for this week isn’t much of a rosier outlook, I’m afraid. I’m knackered – and whilst that may not be helped by two runs with the pushchair this week and cycling to Talking Tots and back – it’s mainly because sleep has been so hard to come by. After the most ALMIGHTY tantrum and strop before Friday’s run, I finally figured out why: teething. Pickle has a molar coming through, and with only half of it poking out at the moment, we’re still in for a bit of trouble whilst we wait for the other half to appear I reckon.

In a way, I’m glad it’s teething. I feel like I can be a bit more patient and understanding knowing that there’s an actual problem that is causing such difficult behaviour. The only downside is that this is only the first molar, and knowing we’re likely to go through this on and off for the next… however long… whilst we wait for the rest come through too is a little disheartening. I’m keeping all my fingers crossed that these molars are speedy and we can get it all done it a relatively short space of time, but knowing my luck, we could be in for the long haul here.

Pickle eating a scone with cheeky face

Thankfully, since I noticed the tooth, his sleeping has gotten a little better. I say that, even though he woke up at 10pm last night, and stayed attached to me until about 3am before he went back in his own bed. But even having those three hours from 3am to 6am feels like a real treat compared to earlier in the week.

Mommy and Pickle walking away

It’s perhaps a little ironic that during the week where I’ve had the least rest I’ve had in ages, I’ve also been the most physically active. Now that it’s getting dark earlier, I can’t go out for my usual evening run once LPD comes home from work as our running route isn’t well lit so my friend Katie and I are having to go in the day time instead. I’m very lucky that she’s able to run with me in the day around her work schedule, but it does mean I have to take Pickle with us, and boy does that make it more difficult! I don’t have a posh running pushchair, so I’m just about getting away with putting him in our Mothercare Orb. He’s really a bit big for it and it’s not the easiest to run with, but ever the optimist, it does makes for a more intense workout and that’s definitely needed at the moment! My reliance on biscuits and chocolate definitely increases as quality sleep decreases.

Today, I’m determined to have a nice family day. I’ll shortly be getting breakfast for Pickle and I (LPD is having a well deserved lie in this morning), then we can all get cleaned and dressed before heading out forĀ anotherĀ National Trust trip – we can’t get enough at the moment. And then this afternoon? We’ve got tickets to see Leaf at Artrix Bromsgrove – one of the theatre shows I picked in my October half term Culture Round Up, followed by a nice chicken roast. Come on Sunday, let’s be having you.

The Ordinary Moments