This is a collaborative post.
There are many things about being a parent that has surprised me. I was prepared for sleepless nights and endless nappy changes. I expected constant crying would send me mad… but we’ve been pretty lucky and not really experienced any of the worst scenarios I imagined (or when we have, it’s not been as bad as I feared!). There are some things that have truly amazed me though – and now that Pickle is starting to show us what he likes and dislikes, I can’t believe some of the things that manage to hold his attention.
Pokemon Cartoons
As I sit here writing this, Pickle is very happily lying on his playmat unable to take his eyes of the TV. Why? Because I put Pokemon on. Now, I think this has less to do with Pickle following the latest Pokemon craze (although, we have been playing Pokemon Go on our many walks around the lake! I’m Level 13, by the way), and more to do with the crazy amount of bright colours and fast moving pictures that he’s obviously trying to make sense of. It’s been a god send at dinner time! Pop an episode of Pokemon on and both LPD and I can eat our dinner with both hands whilst it’s hot! Thank god for Pikachu.
Light and Windows

Disney & VELUX Dream Collection – Image by VELUX
From what I gather speaking to other Mums and Dads, I think this one is fairly normal but Pickle just LOVES looking at lights and through windows. If he’s a bit unsettled or grouchy, standing next to a window with him usually soothes him. I’m also convinced he’s so happy and content when we go to the cafe at the lake because the back wall is just floor to ceiling windows. So much light!
I keep thinking about how amazing it would be if Pickle’s room had a skylight. Just over his cot bed so that he could lie and look up at the sky for hours worth of entertainment. Sadly, our house is only rented and even if it was ours, it’s not designed in any way which would make a skylight possible in Pickle’s room. That hasn’t stopped me ‘window-shopping’ (see what I did there? Pun-tastic) at the VELUX* online store, where thankfully there are blackout blind options (and Star Wars designs!) should we ever get the chance to move into my dreamhouse! One day… One day.

Couldn’t resist taking a snap of these trees at the lake a few weeks ago, Pickle couldn’t stop looking up at them! I can see why. Beautiful.
This one is slightly similar to the light one, but he also loves looking up at trees! I think it must have something to do with the sharp contrast of the dark leaves against the sky that captures his attention, but it’s already got me hoping he’ll be an outdoors and nature lover! We also have an artificial tree in our lounge nestled in-between our two sofas so I wonder if seeing trees outside weirdly reminds him of our home too? Not sure. I’m probably reading too much into it but I’m glad he likes trees anyway!
Major Lazer
I was so relieved that Pickle passed his hearing test when first born, as we’ve always got music playing in our house. Thankfully, Pickle is a fan and being able to play music to entertain him makes showering SO much less stressful. When he was first born, we tried all the usual baby nursery rhymes and lullabies Spotify had to offer… but we soon realised (or rather, LPD did) that our little boy much prefers the latest Summer Dance hits instead. Major Lazer is his favourite. I can often be found most afternoons dancing around the lounge whilst the music channel is on. Occasionally the one we watch/listen to even has a Major Lazer ‘programme’ where they only play three or four Major Lazer songs in a row!! AMAZING!
I can’t wait to see what other preferences he begins to show as he grows older and begins to develop more of his own tastes and personality. I’ll secretly keep my fingers crossed that he ends up showing a love of crafting like me so we can have fun making sessions when he’s a bit older… but in the mean time, I love anything that he loves because I just can’t get enough of those gorgeous smiles!
*This is a collaborative post with VELUX: all words and opinions are my own.