Big slap on the wrist for me, as it’s been over 7 weeks since I wrote a pregnancy update.. I’ve just re-read my 30 week update and I am so happy to report that I have definitely turned a corner. Life at 37 weeks is much happier, joyful and relaxed now (although with Pickle’s arrival imminent, I wonder how long the relaxation will last?!).

Pickle is now considered a full term baby, no risk of a premature baby for us anymore. Well done Pickle!
The biggest change that has brought about such a healthier approach to this pregnancy was finishing work early. I can’t begin to describe how much of a difference that has made. Physically, I feel better! I don’t seem to have so many aches and pains (although they’ve obviously not disappeared entirely), I’m eating well, drinking plenty of fluid and quite frankly – I just look better. I’ve lost track of how many times people have said to me in the last few weeks “Wow, you look great! So much better.” I must have looked pretty run down and shocking before! And the really good news? I’ve almost mastered the art of a better nights’ pregnancy sleep (the key I’ve discovered, is using a blanket rather than a duvet… it’s made the world of difference!). I even don’t mind getting up to go to the toilet like I used to. Things have really improved.

Happy, smiley, pregnancy selfie.
Mentally, I feel much better prepared for Pickle’s arrival. And I feel more connected to Pickle. Now that I haven’t got a workload to worry and stress about, I’ve been better able to bond with this lovely little bundle of kicks and punches wriggling away inside. I talk to Pickle more. I sing to Pickle. Every day, Pickle becomes more and more real to me. And I can’t express how much I’m grateful for that. It’s such a relief to not beat myself up about feeling distant or worrying that I haven’t been ‘connecting’ with the baby. I’ve always been excited and looking forward to Pickle’s arrival, but previously I think that had more to do with wanting the end of pregnancy to hurry up, a kind of light at the end of what felt like a very dark claustrophobic tunnel. Now, I’m excited just to meet and welcome our baby into the family. Our little Pickle.
I also feel like we’ve hit the amazing achievement of having everything we need in order to bring Pickle home from the hospital. And a bit more, besides. Our SnuzPod is built, our nursery room is looking GORGEOUS, the car seat is already installed in the car. I’ve got everything needed for our hospital bag… although it’s not quite all packed yet (a job for today!). The pram is ready. Our family heirloom moses basket is taking pride of place downstairs and Pickle’s wardrobe is not only built, but filled with lots of gorgeous pre-washed clothes and blankets. We’ve got nappies, baby bath items, water wipes, nappy bags, a baby thermometer, muslin squares… I even bought some high factor kids suncream. We are prepared. We are ready. Now we just need to wait for Pickle to be ready too!

At 37 weeks, Pickle is now the size of a honeydew melon. Yumm… I could really eat some melon right now!
Pickle is the size of… a honeydew melon. And boy, is my stomach starting to look like a big round melon ball! I’ve been very lucky to have a nice neat bump (totally the opposite to what I was expecting!). Looking at it the other day, it was so perfectly round and circular that it seemed fake almost. Like I’d just shoved a basketball up my jumper. In fact, LPD constantly refers to Pickle-bump as my basketball!

Baby or basketball? I’m hoping it is baby, otherwise we’ve spent a lot of unnecessary money on nursery furniture!
I’m feeling… MUCH BETTER! I’m sure I’ll write more about my emotional journey over the last few months in more details once I’ve settled down even more. But for now I’ll say this: pregnancy is a wonderful and magical time, but it can also be really tough. And that’s okay. If your pregnancy hasn’t been a bed of roses, you’re not the only one. And feeling stressed or exhausted or drained or fed up doesn’t make you a bad mother. Be honest. Seek help. Do whatever you can to make yourself feel better. And you’ll be doing exactly what baby needs you to.
I’m craving… I want to say Mars Ice Creams, but the truth is… those aren’t pregnancy cravings. I’m just blaming pregnancy for my inexcusable consumption of them. I think one week I averaged eating about three a day. No joke. They’re just scrumptious though, aren’t they?
I’m worrying about… not very much. Which is delightful, unexpected and welcome. Yes, it’d be brilliant to know exactly when Pickle will arrive, how they will arrive and how we’ll cope in those first few weeks but you know what? I’m never going to know that until it happens. So why worry about it?
I’m missing… wine, gin, lying comfortably in bed, snuggles on the sofa that don’t require the trial and error of several different positions before finding the one that doesn’t aggravate an ache or niggle… but knowing that all of these things are becoming a very near possibility makes it so much easier.
Wow. What a relief it is to write a happier post. I’m hoping this has broken the cycle of what was quickly becoming my own very dark corner of the internet and morphing into what it should be: a place for me to celebrate maternity, motherhood and my little Pickle. 37 weeks down, only a few more to go…

A little sneak peak of Pickle’s nursery… Soon we’ll be able to bring them home into it!
Dean of Little Steps
Glad you’re feeling better now especially since it won’t be long and you’ll have your additional member of the family soon! 🙂 Lemons remind me so much of summer! Love them. xx
Tall Mum In Manchester
You sound so happy in this post. Hope everything goes well in your last few weeks of pregnancy. The nursery shelves look great, hope you’re going to share more pics of the whole room, I’m so nosey / interested when it comes to other people’s design ideas!
I didnt enjoy pregnancy being so poorly really takes the enjoyment away so i understand that kind of feeling, im so glad you feel better though, enjoy your last few weeks being pregnant with your little one. Good luck 🙂 xx
What a lovely post, you sound so happy, I remember the last few weeks of pregnancy, hope the next few weeks are good for you before you get your little bundle in your arms x
Lindsay At Newcastle Family Life
Glad you are feeling better and able to enjoy the end of your pregnancy. I loved the end of pregnancy when everything was ready for baby xx
Glad you feel better and your right it is important to seek help if you need it. Noone should be ashamed to ask for help.
Rachel S
Haaa that is the best ever excuse for Mars Ice cream. I love the Aldi version and in truth I havent even got a pregnancy to blame them on x
Tori Gabriel
Eeeeee! It’s so soon! I’m glad you are feeling better and I’m so looking forward to hearing about the birth! Off to follow you on Twitter so I don’t miss it. X
Emma T
So exciting to be so close, and also feeling a lot more ready for Pickle to arrive. Those final stages are great after so long.
Ooh not long now, very exciting, I’m glad you are feeling better and managing some sleep x
Fi Ni Neachtain
Oh I wish I was feeling as happy as you! I’m 39 weeks today and so ready for pregnancy to end. Your nursery is looking lovely from the little sneak-peak snap, all the pictures are such a lovely touch.
Vai Chin
Definitely not long to go now! Looking forward to seeing photos of Pickle soon x
Sarah nichols
Awww glad your enjoying pregnancy more now 🙂 ….it can be such a emotional roller coaster at times. Lol about the ice creams, I craved chocolate and mint chocolate ice cream, well so I like to tell people haha xx
Leaving work seemed to take all the stress away for me too – not long now :0)
Zena's Suitcase
It sounds like a really sensible move to have left work earlier. This time os for you to focus your energy on growing the baby and look after yourself. I hope Pickle has a safe arrival for you